JCT Contracts
JCT (Joint Contracts Tribunal) contracts are the standard form building contracts used most often on UK projects. They are published by JCT in contract suites every [irregular] number of years, each suite seeking to update and improve on the last one. The most recent suite was issued in 2016. They consist of a dozen or so contracts that cover a range of different procurement methods (e.g. traditional and design & build), they include main contracts and sub-contracts, they cater for a range of sizes of construction works (i.e. minor, intermediate and standard) and so on. Selection of the most appropriate JCT contract/s for a given project is vital.
JCT contracts have a structure and philosophy now long established (since 1931) and very familiar to frequent users. They are noticeably different to, for example, the NEC and FIDIC contract suites.
During the period between new contract suites, JCT sometimes issues updates to some of the contracts, e.g. to reflect a material change in the law.
Most of the JCT contracts are also issued with a JCT Guide which provides a basic explanation of the contract clauses and how the contracts sit together.
Ridgemont are very experienced in advising on the contents of JCT contracts, and in selecting and amending them, and also on disputes that arise out of them. This is at the heart of what we do because JCT contracts are at the heart of UK construction.